About me

I like to write. I like to travel. I like to spend time with my husband and our two young kids. Are you starting to see how this blog came about? :)

Hubby (Mr H) and I decided to take a family gap year when our little ones were 2 and 1 respectively in order to see more of the United States and Canada, countries we'd visited before and really wanted to spend more time in, plus we wanted to spend time with our two young adventurers while we all had the time and resources to do so. And so our family gap year was born: welcome to the journal of our travels!

I've started adding some practical tips articles as well, so whether you want to pick up some ideas, dive into a particular city to see what we did there, or even follow our whole adventure from start to finish: welcome. :)

If you have any suggestions for future articles please drop me a line on globetoddles@gmail.com. And if you'd like to know when there's a new post published simply sign up to receive notifications.

Happy globetoddling!


Most read posts

What to pack in a baby's hand luggage

Top 10 toddler 'tainment on a plane

Travelling with two toddlers: single or double stroller?

Moving to California: how to apply for your California driver licence

All play and no work

Christmas away from home

Oh, Canada

A Californian Christmas

Farewell, Los Angeles

Trains and boats and planes - and wagons