Calcite crystals on the soles of her shoes

I’m pretty sure flip-flops and a handbag aren’t part of the recommended outfit for hiking Diamond Head crater , but hey-ho. I was in Hawaii with 4 hours to spend before my flight back to LA, so it seemed a delightful idea. Outfit schmoutfit. Please note: some links below will take you to view the products on Amazon. If you click through there is no extra cost to you, but Amazon will pay me a small amount on any purchases made. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Top of photo: appropriate footwear (model unknown). Bottom of photo: inappropriate footwear (author's own). Besides, my left little toe had a blister from an overly-ambitious 20-minute stroll in high heels the night before, so I was glad of the open footwear. I was in Hawaii for work, you see, so I wasn’t prepared for much other than office and plane attire. Packing had been a hasty affair, to say the least, having flown into LA from London the day before on our way back from a family tr...