Happy days and haircuts

We've figured out that a "Children's Museum" is actually just another term for an indoor playground where you can easily lose your children, so we optimistically set off for the Chicago Children's Museum on a Sunday afternoon. Afternoons really are the time to do things as most families are starting to head home shortly after lunch time, as are school trips if it's a weekday, so we had an easy morning at home and then headed into Navy Pier, home to the museum, around the top of the day. The nice lady on the desk let a dozing Miss H in for free (everyone over 12 months of age has to pay), and when she woke up shortly afterwards both kids had a brilliant time playing with building tools, skittles, fishing nets, climbing walls, and the perennial winner: water! The next day we took it easy and stayed local. The weather was starting to pick up a little, so we went out to the beach near us which unfortunately had quite a bit of broken glas...