Seven sanity suggestions when kids are home all day

So, the kids are home all day. When the coronavirus lockdown first started, I thought I'd treat it all like one big airport delay, but with the bonus of having a much bigger supply of toys and snacks available. But we soon found the novelty of the existing toys wore off unless a parent played too, and Mr H and I are both trying to work full time from home. And so, to assuage the guilt at seeing our 3- and 5-year-olds languish in front of screens for far too much of any given day, we ordered a few new things for the kids to do that might, if nothing else, serve as interesting interludes while they wait for the ipad or my old mobile phone to charge. Anyway, here's what we bought and found works well. Good luck! Disclaimer: the links below will take you to Amazon, and I may receive a small commission from them for any purchases made. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 1. Whiteboard / Blackboard Easel by Melissa & Doug (paid link) I'm generally quit...