
Showing posts from October, 2018

What to pack in a baby's hand luggage

So you've booked your flights, you've got a fabulous holiday ahead... now what do you pack in your baby's carry-on luggage? By the time my son was 15 months old he'd been on 16 flights, from short 1-hr hops to 13-hr long-haul journeys, so here's my tried and tested list of what to take in your baby's hand luggage. Before we start: always check exactly what hand luggage you and your infant traveller are allowed: most airlines allow the baby to have his/her own hand luggage and you can then have your own bag too, but do check. Sometimes I try to put my own things and baby's things in the one bag to save having to manage two separate pieces (in addition to the baby!), but for the purpose of this article I'm including only those things I would need to take specifically for the purposes of travelling with a baby. Please note: the links below will take you to view the products on Amazon. If you click through there is no extra cost to you, but Amazon...

Flying long-haul with toddlers: 3 ways to handle layovers

We've flown from Australia to the UK with toddlers several times now, and we've tried various different ways to tackle the layover. (You can now fly direct from London to Perth, but we were always travelling from Sydney.) So I thought I'd write a post outlining how we got on with each one and what we find works best for us in the hope it can help other parents decide how to tackle these two-stage journeys. Please note: some of the links in this post will take you to Amazon pages. If you click through there is no extra cost to you, but Amazon will pay me a small amount on any purchases made.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Layover type 1: straight through By this I mean plan for the shortest transfer time possible (usually just under 2 hours), sit in the departures lounge, and get straight on to the second plane. Before we had kids we used to take this option a lot in order to maximise our time at our destination. There are other advantages,...